
Friday, October 31, 2014

Parents of Special Needs Children speaking out

Below are a few paras of a letter by the parents of Special Needs
Children at the Hong Lim Park YMCA event. The full article is posted at
The Real Singapore. It gives a different viewpoint, from the parent�s


Shame on you Teo Ser luck and all you despicable PAPs grassroots leaders
who hijacked

China US partnership � A New World Order

This New World Order is taking shape with the latest US state official
praising China for its increasing role in Afghanistan. The US had moved
in with its military, did all the mop up operations to kill and destroy
all the Afghans that they did not want to see, flattened the country
from the air to Stone Age, then they moved out.

Next, the Chinese would move in with all the economic aids to

Sinkies beware when in foreign land

Sinkies must be reminded that if they are in a foreign country, they
must be extremely polite and not to get in the way of the locals and
residents. This is especially true when the locals or residents are on
bicycles. Please do not honk at them or they would turn around and beat
you up.

There is a recent case of a Sinkie driver honking at a local resident on
his bike. The Sinkie thought

A return to hard headed policies

Tan Chuan Jin is shaping up nicely in the mould of the first generation
ministers, tough and an advocate of hard headed policies. He spoke his
mind, like calling the protesters at Hong Lim Park heckling Special
Needs Children as vile. Yesterday he spoke again for the need to make
tough policies that are necessary to tackle challenges.

Chuan Jin referred particularly to the issue of

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Improving Productivity: Try this PM, Tharman? � Cynical Investor

�S�pore should try this if PM and Tharman and the govt is really serious
when they say that �no stone will be left unturned� in the search to
improve productivity. . But then it�s against the Hard Truth that hard
work makes people happy.�

The above title and quote is by Cynical Investor in his post in TRE. He
was trying to offer some suggestions to help Tharman and the govt with
some good

Salute to the Hong Kong Student Protest � Take your victory and fold your umbrellas