
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily Blog #57: Sunday Funday 8/18/13 Winner!

Hello Reader,
        Another Sunday Funday behind us and another winning answer given. This week we did a Linux challenge and from the lack of responses and high readership I would say that this is a weak point for most of you. I have noted this and will devote some future blog posts to Linux forensics. This weeks winner is Tony Micah Lambert congratulations Tony! By having the confidence to give the contest a try you have won! Here was this weeks challenge:

The Challenge:

The suspect is believed to have taken source code from his past employer and made use of it in the development of a new product. For a  Ubuntu Linux system (any modern version 11 forward) where the user is using Gnome and CVS answer the following:

1. Where would you look to see what devices had been connected
2. Where would you look to see what files/directories had been accessed
3. Where would you look for user activity related to source code development

Here is Tony's answer:
You can view what devices have been recently connected by consulting the syslog at /var/log/syslog. Depending on how much time has passed, you may have to look for /var/log/syslog.x or syslog.x.gz where x= a sequential number. This log will have enough unique information about a device for it to be identified

For files/directories and user activity in CVS, all checkouts, commits, and updates can be checked from the history file located at $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history (assuming proper configuration). This information can be easily accessed using the CVS "history -u " command to filter results for a specific developer's username.

 Tony is correct in his answer, but there is much more to find! The clue I left here was Gnome and I'll focus on what the additions to Linux to make it user friendly have created in terms of artifacts in the Linux forensic series. Until then, well done Tony! Let me know which prize you would prefer.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Daily Blog #56: Sunday Funday 8/18/13

Hello Reader,
           It's that time again, Sunday Funday time! For those not familiar every Sunday I throw down the forensic gauntlet by asking a tough question. To the winner go the accolades of their peers and prizes hopefully worth the time they put into their answer. This week I am changing things up and letting the winner pick their choice of prizes!

The Prize:
The Rules:
  1. You must post your answer before Midnight PST (GMT -7)
  2. The most complete answer wins
  3. You are allowed to edit your answer after posting
  4. If two answers are too similar for one to win, the one with the earlier posting time wins
  5. Be specific and be thoughtful 
  6. Anonymous entries are allowed, please email them to
  7. In order for an anonymous winner to receive a prize they must give their name to me, but i will not release it in a blog post

The Challenge:

The suspect is believed to have taken source code from his past employer and made use of it in the development of a new product. For a  Ubuntu Linux system (any modern version 11 forward) where the user is using Gnome and CVS answer the following:

1. Where would you look to see what devices had been connected
2. Where would you look to see what files/directories had been accessed
3. Where would you look for user activity related to source code development

Good luck! I'm having fun switching up operating systems to expand the challenge to more participants! I'm looking to see who else out there is having fun with some mainly unknown Linux forensic artifacts.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Daily Blog #50: Sunday Funday 8/11/13 Winner!

Hello Reader,
        Wow, there are a lot of OSX and Timemachine loving DFIR people out there! I received a lot of submissions and they are all very good. I had to read over and compare the submissions but one was a clear standout. Congratulations to Sarah Edwards (@iamevltwin) who brought an answer so well written it had be in a PDF to include the figures she referenced!

Here was the Challenge:
This week on the forensic lunch we have been talking about OSX and timemachine forensics. So let's have a OSX/Timemachine Challenge!

You have been given a timemachine drive that had multiple systems backing up to it over the network. After imaging it you need to determine what has been done, answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of backups you could find on a timemachine drive
2. How can you distinguish which hosts backup you are looking at
3. How would you extract a single backup for a specific date
4. What is the difference between a timemachine backup and a .mobilebackup

Here is Sarah's winning answer, 
Pdf link to read offline here:

So it would appear as the bar as been raised this week! Sarah let me know if which prize you prefer, you earned it.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Daily Blog #49: Sunday Funday 8/11/13

Hello Reader,
           It's that time again, Sunday Funday time! For those not familiar every Sunday I throw down the forensic gauntlet by asking a tough question. To the winner go the accolades of their peers and prizes hopefully worth the time they put into their answer. This week I am changing things up and letting the winner pick their choice of prizes!

The Prize:
The Rules:
  1. You must post your answer before Midnight PST (GMT -7)
  2. The most complete answer wins
  3. You are allowed to edit your answer after posting
  4. If two answers are too similar for one to win, the one with the earlier posting time wins
  5. Be specific and be thoughtful 
  6. Anonymous entries are allowed, please email them to
  7. In order for an anonymous winner to receive a prize they must give their name to me, but i will not release it in a blog post

The Challenge:
This week on the forensic lunch we have been talking about OSX and timemachine forensics. So let's have a OSX/Timemachine Challenge!

You have been given a timemachine drive that had multiple systems backing up to it over the network. After imaging it you need to determine what has been done, answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of backups you could find on a timemachine drive
2. How can you distinguish which hosts backup you are looking at
3. How would you extract a single backup for a specific date
4. What is the difference between a timemachine backup and a .mobilebackup

There, thats not too bad now is it? I look forward to your answers!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Daily Blog #42: Sunday Funday 8/4/13

Hello Reader,
           It's that time again, Sunday Funday time! For those not familiar every Sunday I throw down the forensic gauntlet by asking a tough question. To the winner go the accolades of their peers and prizes hopefully worth the time they put into their answer. This week we have quite the prize from our friends at AccessData. 

The Prize:
The Rules:
  1. You must post your answer before Midnight PST (GMT -7)
  2. The most complete answer wins
  3. You are allowed to edit your answer after posting
  4. If two answers are too similar for one to win, the one with the earlier posting time wins
  5. Be specific and be thoughtful 
  6. Anonymous entries are allowed, please email them to
  7. In order for an anonymous winner to receive a prize they must give their name to me, but i will not release it in a blog post

The Challenge:
     SInce we are giving away a copy of Triage, lets have a question related to manually triaging a system.

For a Windows XP system:

You have arrived onsite to a third party company that is producing a product for your company. It is believed that one of the employees of the company has ex-filtrated the database of your customers information your provided for mailing and processing sometime in the last 30 days, While the third party company is cooperating with the investigation they will not allow you image every system and take the images back to your lab. However, they will allow you to extract forensic artifacts to determine if there is evidence of ex-filtration present and will then allow a forensic image to be created and taken offsite. 

With only forensic artifacts available and a 32gb thumbdrive what artifacts would you target to gather the information you would need to prove ex-filtration?

Good luck! I look forward to your answers. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daily Blog #36: Sunday Funday 7/28/13 Winner!

Hello Reader,
                This Sunday Funday I thought was easier than the last and we had several submissions both post on the blog and submitted anonymously but only one was done before the deadline of Midnight PST. o congratulations go out to Jonathan Turner who while not having the most complete answer of all the ones submitted, that goes to Harlan Carvey this week, as he was the only one who submitted his answer before the cutoff!

I got a lot of answers after, do you need me to change the rules to give you more time to play? I thought 24 hours (I try to post at Saturday midnight CST) was enough time, but you need more time to play I can change the rules to let more people participate. I'm hoping as these contests continue we will continue to get great prizes to give away that will tip you over the 'should I try this one' cliff.

Here was the challenge:
The Challenge:     I'm going to step down the difficulty from last week, I may have been asking for a bit much on a Sunday. So this weeks question is going back to basics:
For a Windows 7 system:
Your client has provided you with a forensic image of a laptop computer that was used by an ex-employee at their new employer, it was obtained legally through discovery in a litigation against them. You previously identified that the employee took data when they left where on the system would you look for the following:
1. The same external drive was plugged into both systems
2. What documents were copied onto the system
3. What documents were accessed on the system

Here is Jonathan's answer:
1) The manufacturer, model, and serial number of USB keys plugged into a system are stored in the registry at HKLM\SYSTEM\Control\(CurrentControlSet|ControlSet001|ControlSet002)\Enum\USBSTOR. Comparing these keys on the two systems should show any common devices.
2) The created timestamp on the above registry key can be used to filter a timeline of file creation times to determine what files were added to the system around the time it was plugged in. These files could contain metadata about where they were originally created as well as other interesting information that can be manually collected.
3) Documents accessed on the system should show up in jump lists and (potentially) shellbag information stored in the users' ntuser.dat hive.

 Here is Harlan's answer:
Sorry this is late, but I was at a couple of events yesterday starting at around 2pm...I'm not sending it in so much as a submission, but more to just provide my response...

*1. The same external drive was plugged into both systems

This type of analysis starts with the Enum\USBStor keys.  I would locate the subkey that contained the device identifier for the external drive in question, and see if there is a serial number listed.  If not, that's okay...we have other correlating information available.  If there is a serial number pulled from the device firmware, then we're in luck.  

Beneath the device serial number key, I can get information about when the device was first plugged in, from the LastWrite time to the LogConf key, as well as the Data value (FILETIME time stamp) from the \Properties\{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29}\00000065\00000000 subkey.  I would correlate this time with the value in the file, as well as with the first time for that device that I found in the Windows Event Log (for device connection events).    I could then get subsequent connection times via the Windows Event Log, as well as the final connection time from the NTUSER.DAT hive for the user, via the MountPoints2 key (for the device, given the volume GUID from the MountedDevices key) LastWrite time value.  

To be thorough, I would also check beneath the \Enum\WpdBusEnumRoot\UMB key for any volume subkeys whose names contained information (device ID, SN) about the device in question.

Getting the disk signature for the specific external drive can be difficult on Win7, using just the System hive file, as there is very little information to correlate the Enum\USBStor information to the information in the contents of the MountedDevices key.  However, further analysis will be of use, so keep reading.  ;-)

The "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\EMDMgmt" key in the Software hive contains a good deal of information regarding both USB thumb drives and external drives; the subkeys will be identifiers for devices, and for external drives, you'd be interested in those that do NOT start with "_??USBSTOR".  The subkey names will have an identifier, as well as several underscores (""); if the name is split on underscores, the first to the last item, if there is one, will be the volume name, and the last item will be the volume serial number, listed in decimal format.  This final value changes if the device is reformatted, but it wouldn't make any sense to copy files to the device, reformat, and then connect it to the target device, so we can assume that this information won't change between the two systems.

I could then use this information to correlate to LNK files in the Windows\Recent and Office\Recent folder within the user profile, as well as LNK streams within the user's *.automaticDestinations-ms Jump Lists.

At this point, I will have a drive letter that the external drive was mapped to, so I can then return to the MountedDevices key in the system hive, and by accessing available VSCs, locate one in which the drive letter was available for the ext. drive.  This will provide me with the disk signature of the device itself, as well as the volume GUID.

At this point, I have device identifier, the device serial number, the volume serial number, potentially the disk signature, and the time(s) of when the external drive had been connected to the laptop.  I can then use this information to correlate to the other system.

*2. What documents were copied onto the system

I would create a timeline of system activity, correlating file creation dates on the system with times when device was connected to the system, based on the time-based information provided in the response to #1 above. 

*3. What documents were accessed on the system

The shellbags artifacts likely won't server you much use this time, as on Win7, they tend to not contain the same sort (and volume) of information as they do on WinXP.  However, I would start by looking at the shortcut/LNK files in the user's profile (Windows\Recent and Office\Recent), as well as Jump Lists.  This information also helps us identify the application used to access the documents (Office, Adobe, etc).  I would also, for clarity sake, verify this information via Registry MRUs, even though some of them (ie, RecentDocs) will not contain full path information.  However, now that we have information about the applications used (from the Jump Lists, after performing any required AppID lookups), I would be sure to examine any available application-specific MRUs.

Harlan gave a great answer but didn't get in on time, so the winner of a Specialist Track ticket to PFIC is Jonathan Turner. There is still more to be said on this topic though. I use specific operating systems for a reason as artifacts change between them and there are still artifacts and scenarios not clearly being shown even in both of these answers. When I'm done with the web 2.0 series I'll go into depth on it.

In the mean time, do you want to go to PFIC? I still have more tickets to give away next week. If two answers make it in on time that are both great (or I change the rules based on your feedback to extend the time), I can give away more than one! Tomorrow we resume the web 2.0 series and I hope you follow along as it continues to give me the motivation to keep these up daily! Only 316 more blogs before the year is up!