
Showing posts with label forensic lunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forensic lunch. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

Daily Blog #54: Forensic Lunch 8/16/13

Hello Reader!,
    It's Friday and time for another forensic lunch! You can watch it live and ask us questions or the recording later.

See you tomorrow for Saturday Reading!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Daily Blog #47: Forensic Lunch 8/9/13

Hello Reader,
Going to try something different today and see if I can embed our Forensic Lunch live stream in the blog!

Forensic Lunch is something we are trying to do every Friday where we talk about updates to research from around the community as well as our challenges and successes here in the G-C Lab. If all goes well you can watch the show either love or recorded in the embedded Youtube below!

Tomorrow is Saturday Reading and I have some good articles and papers to pass on and don't forget Sunday for our weekly forensic contest!