
Showing posts with label friday's letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friday's letters. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2013


Dear Patbingsu, I don't know how I've survived in Korea for so long without you. I finally caved and tried this traditional Korean summer treat the other day and I must say, I'm in love. The traditional one includes shaved ice on the bottom with red bean, sweetened condensed milk, jelly bits, rice cake, ice cream and fruit on top. Ok, I admit, after typing it up, it sounds disgusting. Just trust me on this one.
Dear Jeremy, I'm so glad that you have lots of experience riding bikes. I don't know if we would have made it out of Cambodia without it. I have never in my life seen such crazy driving. We would have the green light but still drivers would come from the sides and weave and honk their way through the crowds of motorbikes and cars to make their way to the other side. Dear In-laws, I can't believe it's only one week until you get here! Don't worry, we won't make you eat anything too strange. Dear City, you keep opening the cutest lounges and bars. The one we found this weekend even made us feel like we were back in the states. Too bad even the smallest drink was still $8. Even though we're a small town, we still have some of the highest prices in the country! Dear Mountain Biking, after my first ride this weekend, I now remember why I have avoided you for so long. Good thing going with a fun group of friends always makes even the most difficult work outs enjoyable. Even if I couldn't walk for days afterwards. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I finally convinced Jeremy to go to our first Korean wedding together so we'll be heading out tomorrow! Don't worry, I'll be sharing lots of details about it in the coming weeks.

Attention! Attention! 
We're heading out of town soon and I'm looking for one person to guest post for me while we're gone! I have just ONE SPOT available for purchase on my sponsor pageThe guest post will have to be turned in no later than the 12th of this month; costs just $15 and includes a 250 X 250 sized ad on my sidebar for two weeks. 

So why should you get in on the action? The price of my ad spot that includes a guest post is currently $30, my vacation guest post is half that price. Plus all of my other sponsor spots are currently booked up for the next few months. This is a great way to not only get to take over my blog for a day (for a lot cheaper!) but also to get your ad up quicker! It's first come, first serve so reserve your spot today!


And now onto one of my lovely sponsors this month. Be sure to check her out and say hi!
About Rachel: Hi there, I'm Rachel, the blogger behind With Love, Rachel. I write about all of the things that make life wonderful, from adventures in traveling to fabulous shoes. I drink more wine than I probably should, I consider bargain shopping one of my talents, and I often think out my plan for how to survive the zombie apocalypse. While I love to travel, I consider California the best place on the planet, and so I spend a lot of free time exploring the lesser known treasures of the Golden State-- and sharing them on my blog, of course!

Her best traveling advice: 
When booking flights, if you can, choose the flight with the long layover. Often times the flight is cheaper, and you get to spend a day in another city. You'd be surprised by how much you can see in 6 hours. I've had wonderful afternoons in Amsterdam and Frankfurt because of this, and it's also a nice break in between long flights.

Where to start exploring
Where to follow along

Friday, August 23, 2013


Dear Laundry, this is one of the times I miss the comforts of the good ol' US of A. Dryers are not common in Korea, and while I'm thankful to actually have one, it's a steam dryer. Which means that it takes roughly 4-5 hours for a load of laundry to completely dry. So we opt for half drying it and then hanging it up to dry. But this is when our little cat, Zeke, thinks that it's play time...or rather nap time, and climbs up on top of the drying rack to walk around on our clothes and take a nap. Dear Decisions, can't you make yourselves? I'm already just about the most indecisive person, and that's just with decisions about what to have for lunch. Dear Jeremy, it's pretty darn cute when you start unknowingly humming 'you are my sunshine'. I don't want kids yet but you're going to make a pretty cute dad one day. Far far off into the future (don't get any ideas mother-in-law). Dear Teaching, I have been told that once you've decided you're done teaching, you.are.done teaching. We have five months left in our contract and I'm hoping it will be my last. But I don't want to say too much too soon because I know all too well that God has one heck of a sense of humor. Dear South Africa, it's official! We bought our tickets to spend a whole month exploring the country this January!

And now onto one of my lovely sponsors this month. Be sure to check her out and say hi!

About BonnieI am a military kid who was born and grew up on military bases overseas in Europe.  I met the love of my life at University in the Theatre Department.  We got married, had two kids and became a military family.  After six years of living in California and Hawaii we decided to live the Expat life.  In 2011 we moved our family abraod to England where I work as a photographer, and hair & make up artist.  I love traveling and blog about my experiences as and Expat and Third Culture Kid. 

What she can't travel without: A Camera be it on my phone or my Nikon DSLR. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


Dear Zeke, you're adoptive aunt and uncle were kind enough to come check in on you while we were gone. But apparently we need to work on your hosting skills because every time they would try to play with you, you would run and hide. We've got work to do mister.
Dear Cambodia, I'll admit, we didn't have the highest expectations for you before we went. But you well exceeded our expectations. I just wish you didn't get us so sick when we returned. Maybe it was our bodies way of telling us we should have just stayed there. I'll be sharing more recaps in the next few weeks!
Dear Readers, We actually ended up having access to internet last week but I purposefully steered clear of anything email, blog or social media related. Because I know myself too well and know that an innocent 'I just want to check one thing' will in fact be much more than just one. While it was a great retreat and a great excuse for a 'no technology' week, I must say that I really did miss all of you! So if you get an immense amount of comments/tweets this week, I apologize in advance. 

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzie

And now onto one of my lovely sponsors this month. Be sure to check her out and say hi!

About CaseyHi Lost in Travels readers!  I'm Casey from True Colours.  I'm a travel blogger writing about my adventures throughout the world and showing off my husband's beautiful photographs along the way.  I grew up as an expat kid in the Middle East and fell in love with traveling early in life.   Now, my husband and I try to see as much of the world as possible every year and my goal on True Colours is to show off this amazing world we live in!  We've got some amazing trips planned in the near future, so head on over and follow along!

What she can't travel without: I cannot travel with a light scarf.  I take one with me everywhere I go and it can double as so many things.