
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Statement on U.S. House vote re: delaying the individual mandate

Note: The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on a bill that would delay for a year the individual mandate requiring most Americans to have health coverage starting in 2014. The penalty for not having coverage next year would be $95 or 1 percent of income, whichever is greater.

Statement from Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler:

�Delaying the mandate would be unwise. This is an issue of personal responsibility. It�s unfair for people who can afford coverage to not have it, and to expect the rest of us to cover the cost of their care if they become seriously sick or injured. �
�A critical part of the Affordable Care Act was the provision requiring that insurers take all applicants. No more screening out people because they have pre-existing medical conditions. But to make that work, you have to have as many people as possible in the insurance pool.
�Without an individual mandate to have coverage, people would likely just buy insurance when they knew they needed it. That�s like letting people get homeowners insurance only when their house catches fire.�

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More states asking insurers if they're ready for climate change

From a press release we just sent out:

Insurance companies are facing growing scrutiny over their preparedness for climate change, an issue that could potentially affect insurance affordability and availability.

�I�m very pleased to see more states joining this effort,� said Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. �Being prepared is clearly in the best interests of both insurers and the families and businesses they insure.�

Last year, insurance regulators in Washington, California and New York surveyed major insurers about what steps they�re taking to address risks to their underwriting and investment portfolios.

This year, regulators in Connecticut and Minnesota have also joined the survey.

�Climate change is a potential game-changer for insurers,� said Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. �We want to make sure that this issue is on their radar.�

Climate change poses a double challenge to insurers. Extreme weather events and droughts, for example, can sharply increase claims. Climate-related issues could also have a significant effect on insurers� investments, potentially affecting their long-term ability to pay claims.

�Unprepared insurers are much more likely to simply pull out of markets, leaving homeowners and businesses struggling to find alternative coverage,� said Kreidler, who chairs the National Association of Insurance Commissioners� working group on climate change. �And when insurers abandon a market, government tends to end up as the insurer of last resort.�

Kreidler�s office has been surveying insurers on this issue since 2008.

�I wish some companies were further along,� said Kreidler, �but I�m encouraged to see that a growing number of companies are taking steps to incorporate climate change into their risk modeling and investment considerations.�

For a look at past surveys and responses for Washington, California and New York, please see California�s Climate Risk Disclosure Survey web page.

How to wash makeup brushes!

I love being nosey when it comes to make-up hygiene (and am quite OCD when it comes to makeup � sharing especially) so I thought I�d let you guys know how I clean my makeup brushes and what I use to do so! 

how to wawsh makeup brushes
how to wash makeup brushes 2
how to wash brushes 3

I like to use a couple of different products to wash my brushes.  Baby shampoo is a great choice as it�s very gentle on the hairs and not packed full of bad ingredients, but more recently I�ve been using Dr Bronner�s Magic Soap as it�s a great organic product without preservatives, with lots of uses!  It�s gentle enough to be used on brushes and foams up nicely getting rid of all dirt and grime.

I start off by wetting the brush hairs a little under the tap, being sure not to get the handle too wet (this could damage the brushes).  I then pour a little of the magic soap (or baby shampoo) onto either my hand or the brush hairs, and swirl it around in my hand to get rid of the dirt.  Depending on the type of brush and what you use it for, it may take a couple of rinses with the soap and water before it runs clear.  I should also say it is really satisfying seeing all the colourful grime that comes out of the brushes (gross, ha!). 

After cleaning with the magic soap, I also like to give each brush (especially the face brushes) and quick clean with my current face wash.  As I am acne prone I have to be careful about what I use on my face so I feel like giving them a final once-over with my face wash helps to prevent breakouts!

Once the water runs clear and the hairs look their normal colour, lay them down on a towel or tissue and leave to dry naturally.  Never leave them standing up to dry whilst wet as the water can trickle down to the handle and damage the brush. 

I like to wash my brushes every couple of weeks and I find just before bed is the best time, as then I can leave them to dry over night so they are ready for use the next morning!

Also � for quick in between washes, I just use a little spritz of Clinique�s Brush Cleaner (or a little one I have from Sephora).  This is great if I�ve used a really dark messy colour or gel eyeliner, as it gets the majority of the product out in a few spritzes whilst wiping on a piece of tissue!

I hope you�ve picked up a few little tips from this post and are feeling inspired to get a-washing!

How do you clean your brushes?  What are your favourite brush cleaning products?


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"I have two health insurance plans. Why do I still have to pay for some things?"

Q: "Why do I have to pay anything out of pocket? I have two health insurance plans. Between them, shouldn't they cover all the costs?"

A: Unfortunately, most insurers changed the rules under which they coordinate benefits within the past 10-15 years. Under the new rules, there's less economic advantage to have two (or more) health insurance plans.

As a general rule, if you have two health plans and you receive both of them on your own (i.e. you don't get either of the plans through your spouse), then generally the plan that you've had for the longest period of time should be the primary policy.

However, there are a lot of variables that can change the result. For example, if one of your plans is Medicare and you get the other plan through your employer, then having a Medicare plan can change the order of benefits, depending on the size of your employer.

Confusing? Yup. If you're having problems with an insurance issue and you live in Washington state, feel free to give us a call. We may be able to help. Our insurance consumer hotline is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number if 1-800-562-6900. You can also reach us at

Insurance tips: Are my antiques and collectibles covered?

Q: "I have a number of rare antiques and collectible items of special value. Are they covered by my homeowners policy?"

A: Household goods usually are covered, but only to a limited value. If you have rare, valuable items, it's a good idea to talk to your agent or insurer about that, because you may need to insure them separately. This will likely cost more, but maybe not a lot more. And you'll know you're covered, rather than finding out after a fire, burglary, etc. that your policy was inadequate.

Also, you may need to get professional appraisals to establish the current, accurate value of the items.

For more tips, including inventorying your possessions, resolving claims, etc., please see our "insurance tips for homeowners" page.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Recent Life Update #2!

I�m back with another catch up of what I�ve been up to recently!  These are from the last three weeks, I�ve been crazy busy as usual and have been out most evenings socializing which is most unlike me!
I�ve been to the theatre, lots of restaurants and lots of blogger events.  Work has also been really good and my creativity is flowing.

1) Cuddles with Balthazar, my little hamster with only one ear.
2) Outside the theatre after seeing Daniel Radcliff perform in the Cripple of Inishman!
3) I won a cocktail making task at the Rituals Event � the cosmopolitan challenge!
4) Pancakes with work mates!

1) Art installation in Dalston on a Friday evening
2) Creating a graphic eye look for Company magazine�s weekly edit app
3) Editing YouTube Videos
4) Tanya and I at the Vichy event

1) Before doing �Clue Quest� with my sister�s boyf
2) Outfit of the day � Topshop, Primark, H&M
3) On the dodgems on a Friday night at Mile End Fun Fair
4) Drinking shandy in dungarees

1) Creating shadows in the sun
2) Pizza at work
3) With my favourite girls ever � Zoe, Lily and Emma
4) Nic from Pixiwoo creating magic at an Avon event

1) New pale CC cream�s from Gosh launching soon
2) The incredible Zoella bought me macaroons!
3) Helping Tanya sort her makeup kit out � I was in makeup heaven
4) Morning strolls!

Catch up
I was recently asked on Twitter if I could write a post about how I got my job so I�m currently typing it up, although it�s turning out to be a massive post all about my work history.  If you like the sound of this let me know and I�ll be sure to publish it. 

I filmed a makeup tutorial yesterday, a simple one but the before and after shots are really impressive, I can�t wait to publish it.  I also trekked out to Streatham last night to watch a friend perform with his band.  They are called Whisky Jax and they are super cool so check them out here -

Whisky Jax!

In terms of books, I�ve read one this month so far � The End of Alice is was super disturbing and I wouldn�t recommend it if you don�t like graphic novels.  I�ve just downloaded Nabokov�s Lolita to read next � have you read it?  This week ahead is going to be super busy with lots of work drinks and catching up with friends I haven�t seen in a while so the next catch up post should be interesting! 

What have you been up to recently? Also, please recommend me some books!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Finding Spivey Hall - Its Pretty Side Faces the Lake

"Nobody" went to Morrow, Georgia until they built Spivey Hall.

It's a bold claim: "one of the finest the nation..." and there is so much that fascinates about this small auditorium in Morrow, Georgia, south of the cultural centers of metro Atlanta.

Spivey Hall is a 392 seat concert hall completed in 1991 at Clayton State University. On June 29 I went to a free 11am concert culminating a choral workshop, about 60 voices accompanied by piano and organ. Brief expert commentary: They rocked!. Spivey Hall rocked.

I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside the concert hall. You can find some here. So I'll show you a bit of the outside so you won't be surprised when you visit.

View Larger Map
Clayton State University is a low slung campus in a park overlooking lakes and ponds. Spivey Hall's curvy side faces Swan Lake. The curve houses the lobby and grand stair. The stage is on the street-side. The music school connects on the south.

This is Spivey Hall from the street. It does not express itself on the outside.

It's rather a shock, I didn't expect a brick box. But this is above average for the backside of a theater though most backsides face the back.

IMG_1611-2013-06-29--Spivey-Hall-view-of street-facade-brick-Clayton-State-University
You really need the sign.

You enter to the back-left, there's a porte-coch�re next to the comfortable entry.

The entry is on the second floor. The lake side is a glass wall, though it's hard to see the lake though the trees.

The entry is a balcony overlooking the grand lobby, the stair, and the lake.

They set up the lobby for an after concert buffet.

From the stair you pick up all the design themes, lake to the left, lyre themed balustrade, black marble floors (but not in the auditorium), faux-painted colossal pink columns, crystal sconces, blue rectangles on the walls.

The lobby feels bigger than it is.

It's quite comfortable, it's open with many cozy comers and niches. The outgoing and the wallflowers can feel good in here.

This is the view as you exit the auditorium seeing through the lobby to the lake.

I walked out to see the lake side. But it's so grown up you really can't see the pretty side very well.

Now that you can find your way I suggest you visit next Saturday for a Sacred Harp sing: Community Singing and Potluck Luncheon: Saturday, July 20, 10AM - 4PM. It's free.

Calibre ebook is a program to manage your ebooks

Calibre ebook is one of  the best program to manage your ebooks. Calibre ebook enables you to manage your ebooks like a library according to their covers, titles and categories. In short, Calibre ebook is just like an e-library.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Products to help with hayfever!

I�ve said before that I have terrible, terrible hayfever.  I suffer really badly from it and have done since I was about 11 so I popped together a selection of products that I find helps lessen the suffering so much.

Before getting on to the products, I should mention that my allergy is so terrible that I get a yearly injection to help get rid of the symptoms.  It�s not a great injection to get (it�s very expensive) but after five days symptoms are pretty much gone.  Until I get the injection, these are the products I swear by!


iphone 830 Me after a sneezing attack � 8 sneezes in a row!

Kleenex Pocket Tissues � Tissues!  This is an obvious one but there have been multiple times that I�ve hopped on the tube and realised I don�t have any tissues, which leads to me sneezing over my hands and getting generally quite messy (gross, I know).  I like the Kleenex one as they are super soft and last a while.

Murine Irritation and Redness Relief Eyedrops � I don�t think I could have got through this hay fever season without these.  I suffer from terribly itchy, red eyes especially in the evening and these magically soothe my eyes and also take away any signs of redness or bloodshot-ness!  They cost me about �5 and I get them behind the counter at my local chemist and find them better than the itchy eyes Optrex ones I used to use.

Prevalin Allergy Relief Spray � Lots of people recommended me this and so I gave it a try.  I�m not generally a fan of nasal sprays as they seem to make me sneeze even more, however this one in particular lessened nose blockage after the initial sneeze tickle and outburst! 

Optrex Activist 2-in-1 Eye Spray- This is an odd product; a spray which you use with your eyes closed!  You spritz this on to closed eyes and it apparently seeps through to help soothe eyes.  The good thing is you can use this even when wearing eye makeup and it doesn't ruin it but I�m not sure whether it actually helps my itchy eyes that greatly!

Boots Own Brand Hayfever pills -   I used to buy only branded hayfever pills such as Zirtek, Benadryl etc but now I just buy chemists own branded ones, which are half the price, normally on offer also and have the exact same ingredients.  This saves me so much money and works just as well so they are handbag staples!

What are your favourite products for lessening the symptoms of hayfever?


TRIA Captives and Republican Politics

With the current version of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) set to expire at the end of next year unless Congress takes affirmative action to extend it, one thing has become clear already: the politics are complicated.   More specifically, the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives appears to be divided as to whether the federal government should continue to play a role in the private insurance marketplace.

Those with an interest in the continued viability of TRIA captives should pay attention because this is shaping up to be a very fluid and uncertain legislative process.  But before getting too far into the political weeds, a quick historical refresher would probably be helpful.

TRIA was first passed by Congress on a bipartisan basis in 2002 with the intent of helping to stabilize the property insurance marketplace in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.   The Act created a reinsurance program providing for a federal backstop for industry losses exceeding $100 million per year connected with future terrorist attacks.

The program details are that 85% of insured losses would be paid by the federal government after an insurer meets a deductible of 20% of annual premiums.    For losses up to $27.5 billion, the Treasury Department will collect 133% of payouts through surcharges on property/casualty policies.  Regulators have been given discretion to develop specifics to recoup payouts in access of $27.5 billion.

The Act was extended without much opposition in 2005 and 2007 so what�s different this time around?  Those votes were cast prior to the 2010 congressional election, which swept into office many �Tea Party� Republicans and Democratic control was upended in the House.

There is no shortage of commentary with regard to whether or not the growing influence of these small government true believers within the House Republican Caucus is good for the party over the longer term so this blog will refrain from offering similar political commentary.

What we can say with some certainty is the emerging debate over TRIA re-authorization is exposing the same type of divide among Tea Party and �establishment� Republicans that has been seen repeatedly over the past three years on high profile legislation.  Sometimes the party coalesced and other times it did not.

The current TRIA extension legislation (H.R. 508) is now pending in the House Financial Services Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX).    While a member of the party leadership, his conservative political orientation more often than not synchs with the Tea Party Caucus.

Clearing Hensarling�s committee is the first step to final enactment, but while the congressman has not explicitly ruled out moving the legislation, he has signaled real skepticism of maintaining the federal government�s role in the private insurance market, even in the cases of terrorism.

In recent meetings with Republican members of the committee (most of whom were not in Congress when the law was originally passed in 2002), industry lobbyists have confirmed conflicting positions.   Some acknowledge that practical marketplace realities dictate the extension, while others have indicated they will oppose the legislation, citing the overriding priority of reducing the size and scope of the federal government.  For their part, House Democrats are mostly sitting back at this point while the Republican politics play out.   

Obviously there is still quite a bit of time on the game clock for congressional action and political ideology could very well yield to practical realities, but it�s risky to simply assume another TRIA extension will be pro forma.   After all, if Congress can go to the brink over raising the debt ceiling, tax hikes and budget sequesters, why should we think that H.R. 508 will be pushed over the finish line by the tailwind from previous years?


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Current Makeup Bag Favourites #3

One of the little things I LOVE doing (as sad as it may seem) is rummaging through my makeup collection and pulling out bits and bobs to add to my daily makeup bag.  I think rotating products in my daily routine is a great way of finding new gems and re-discovering old favourites. 

Here are the recent staples that I�ve been using daily!


Sleek True Colour Lipstick in Barely There � I don�t think I talk about this lipstick enough but it is my favourite lipstick of all time.  This goes EVERYWHERE with me, it�ll always be in my bag as it�s just the most perfect natural pink for my skintone.  It�s also super affordable and moisturizing; I can�t rave about it enough.

Illamasqua Cream Pigment in Androgen � I purchased this recently and it has not left my makeup bag since.  Androgen is the most stunning bright peachy pink cream which really brightens up my complexion.  The cream is extremely pigmented, soft and blendable which makes it an absolute pleasure to use!

MAC Studio Finish Concealer � This was a stern favourite in my makeup bag for about 4 years, however it took a back seat in my collection for quite a while.  Recently I decided to bring it back out and I�ve fallen back in love with it all over again.  This is such a fabulous concealer because it conceals everything!  It�s quite thick and creamy but does an incredible job of covering imperfections.

Real Techniques Blender Brush � I had to include this in this post as it�s what I�ve been using to apply the MAC concealer with.  I started using this as an eye shadow brush at first but then realised it works wonderfully for applying and blending concealer.  It picks up just the perfect amount of product and allows me to really buff and blend it into the skin for a flawless base.

YSL Baby Doll Faux Cils Mascara � Faux Cils seems to be a mascara that everyone and their Mum has tried� apart from me!  I got my hands on this recently after a friend didn�t want it and have been using it ever since.  I adore it!  Despite being really overly fragranced, it makes my lashes look long and defined, without being clumpy.  It�s pricey but a great product; I look forward to using this every morning.

Rimmel Scandaleyes Precision Micro Eyeliner � I am a big, big liquid eyeliner fan as you all know � my eyes feel naked and bear without it.  I like to switch up my liquid liners as there are always so many to try from the highstreet and this is the one I�ve been reaching for the most recently.

Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner in Black � I always, always come back to this eye liner because quite truly it�s the best!  This is SO pigmented, creamy and soft and best of all, it is cheap as chips. 

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder � This is the final step in my daily morning makeup routine!  I take my Real Techniques Powder Brush and sweep this powder all over my face to mattify my skin and set my foundation.  I wish this had a mirror in it so I could take it out with me but I always, always use this when getting ready at home!

I�m due another makeup switch up soon so stay tuned for that!

What products have been staples in your bag recently? 


Monday, July 8, 2013

The Perfect Night in for �50!

I�ve said it before; I�m definitely one of those girls that prefers a night in relaxing rather than a night out on the town.  My idea of the perfect evening is a cup of tea, a good book, music, good food and company.  When I was challenged by Money Supermarket to have the �perfect� night in for only �50, I thought � that�s a doddle!  I set aside one evening last week and made it my �official evening in� and here is what I got up to!

night in 1
Bath time!

night in 2 night in 3
Food, pamper and cuddles with Balthazar!

Green tea in my Morrissey mug, new candle and book!

As soon as I got in from work I ran a bath for myself to relax before the evening ahead.  I used the new Timotei Organic Delight Range (which is free from parabens, sulphates, silicones etc) to wash my hair with.  I also picked up a little essential oil from the Muji sale which was �2;  I adore adding essential oils to baths as they make the whole bathroom smell incredible, this lime one being super invigorating and delicious.  I also added the Aveeno Bath and Shower Oil which I recently got because my eczema has been playing up, it�s a creamy oil which smells like oats which is lovely but can get a little sickly!  I�ve discovered that I like to pour a few drops of this into the bath and rub some into my body whilst in the bath too!

Secondly and maybe the most important part of the night;  food!  Me and the Snooks family love takeaways, one of our favourites being a chinese called Dinner Box from the Just Eat website.  I ordered a selection of our fav dishes, included honey ribs, crispy fried vegetables, sea-spiced aubergine, noodles etc! 

Once fed and bathed I�m pretty much the most content!  I changed into my dressing gown (it�s SO soft and from and had a little cuddle with Balthazar my little hamster (I�m going to introduce her properly to you all very soon).  Then I lit a candle I treated myself to just for the night as my current one is running out.  It�s from Muji and called Nashi which means Japanese pear and it smells SO GOOD.  I then  jumped into bed with a cup of green tea and a new book I�ve just started reading.  It�s called �The End of Alice� by A.M Holmes.  It�s not the loveliest book I�ve ever read as it�s told from the perspective of a paedophile in jail (controversial, I know) but the story so far has been intriguing. 

Chinese Takeaway: �28.10
Timotei Organic Delight range: �6.98
Muji Lime Oil: �2
Aveeno Oatmeal Bath & Shower Oil: �5.46
Muji Candle: �3.99
Book on my Acer Tablet: �5.99

Total: �52.52

Now I�m a tiny bit over budget, but the beauty products I purchased can be used multiple times so you are getting moneys worth with them!  And instead of a book I could have listened to music on Spotify (my new favourite band being Little Comets � check them out) or I could have watch some TV online for free (been loving Hannibal, Dates and Breaking Bad recently, not to mention that the final season of Dexter has just started).  But I really enjoyed this challenge and I�m looking forward to seeing other �night in� blog posts!

The winner of the Money Supermarket Big Night In wins a prize too so fingers crossed for me too!

What would your idea night consist of? 
