
Friday, August 16, 2013


Dear Zeke, you're adoptive aunt and uncle were kind enough to come check in on you while we were gone. But apparently we need to work on your hosting skills because every time they would try to play with you, you would run and hide. We've got work to do mister.
Dear Cambodia, I'll admit, we didn't have the highest expectations for you before we went. But you well exceeded our expectations. I just wish you didn't get us so sick when we returned. Maybe it was our bodies way of telling us we should have just stayed there. I'll be sharing more recaps in the next few weeks!
Dear Readers, We actually ended up having access to internet last week but I purposefully steered clear of anything email, blog or social media related. Because I know myself too well and know that an innocent 'I just want to check one thing' will in fact be much more than just one. While it was a great retreat and a great excuse for a 'no technology' week, I must say that I really did miss all of you! So if you get an immense amount of comments/tweets this week, I apologize in advance. 

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzie

And now onto one of my lovely sponsors this month. Be sure to check her out and say hi!

About CaseyHi Lost in Travels readers!  I'm Casey from True Colours.  I'm a travel blogger writing about my adventures throughout the world and showing off my husband's beautiful photographs along the way.  I grew up as an expat kid in the Middle East and fell in love with traveling early in life.   Now, my husband and I try to see as much of the world as possible every year and my goal on True Colours is to show off this amazing world we live in!  We've got some amazing trips planned in the near future, so head on over and follow along!

What she can't travel without: I cannot travel with a light scarf.  I take one with me everywhere I go and it can double as so many things.  

NARS Sheer Glow Foundation Review!

I have been trying to get my hands on this for AGES but I couldn�t find anywhere that had the palest shade, Siberia, in stock; that was until recently.  I�ve been wearing this foundation pretty much daily since getting my mitts on it so now I can give my honest thoughts on this much raved-about foundation!


Colour: The shade Siberia is the lightest available and is pretty much perfect for my ghostly pale skin.  I wasn�t expecting it to match so well; it leaves my skin looking natural, but still leaving me looking glowing rather than a grey-white shade.

Formula/Texture: I�m sure you can see from the images above just how wonderful this foundation is; it covers imperfections perfectly leaving my skintone looking natural, yet even and flawless.  The texture is a creamy thick liquid which dries to a nice powder once applied, leaving my skin dewy without being overly greasy looking.  I find that it can be a little heavy for hot summer days and my skin does get super oily around mid-day (after applying  at 7am in the morning) but a little bit of powder helps this.  I do also find that I need to re-apply concealer on problem areas after a while but this isn�t a massive problem as I carry one around anyway.

Price: This retails for �29.50 for 30ml and I�m hoping it�ll last me a while as a little goes a long way.

SPF: This doesn�t contain an SPF which is disappointing but I wear sunscreen daily anyway.

What I Think:  I really like this foundation, a lot.  I wouldn�t say it is a �sheer� foundation at all, I think of it as being more of a satin-matte foundation with buildable coverage.  This is a pricey product and it took me a very long time to decide whether I wanted to invest in this, but I�m very glad I did.

I also have the Sheer-Matte foundation which I will be reviewing and comparing shortly!

Have you tried Nars Sheer Glow?  What are your thoughts?


Daily Blog #53: The TriForce is now Patent Pending

Hello Reader,
             Short one today as I'm trying to get some work done, tomorrow I'll continue our series of understanding the artifacts into jump lists.

I'm happy to announce that we've filed a provisional patent on the triforce and what new types of analysis we can perform with it. I debated for a long time on whether or not to patent what was possible but in the end we came to the conclusion that the following facts were true:

1. If we didn't someone else might
2. I want to make sure that those people who want to extend our research in the free and open source world are protected from patent trolls
3. I want to make sure commercial entities who try to profit from our research feel the need to contribute back to our research for a license
4. I thought the relationships and the new facts they uncover were unique enough to justify a patent

So if in the future you see Patent Pending on a beta update now you know. Once the patent filing is public I'll link to it so you can see all the use cases we've thought of in the future. I've said before that I think we are starting a new branch of computer forensics related to file system journaling forensics. I believe this is true and I think we extend what we do now for post mortem and incident response into more proactive detection of bad events, actors and software.

Let me know how you feel about it in the comments, I want to make sure we are open and honest with the community as we continue forward both in our research and the free/commercial products we plan to make.

Internet Download Manager 6.18 latest version free download has some hidden secrets in it!

Internet Download Manager 6.18

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Internet Download Manager 6.18 is the best downloader in my opinion because it speeds all your downloads up to 5 times and also handles all your downloads without slowing down your PC.

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Key Features of IDM 6.18

Most of the viewers would be amazed by seeing the transfer rate shown in this screenshot but yes, it is real image and only Internet Download Manager 6.18 can provide you this fastest transfer rate without slowing down your PC.

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All these features are provided only by Internet Download Manager 6.18.

If some of you are thinking about such fast download speed of Internet Download Manager 6.18, then let me tell you. First see the above screenshot and also the marks shown in it.
As you can see, only 1 file is downloading but in the lower part of screenshot, that 1 file has been divided into many parts automatically by Internet Download Manager 6.1.
The reason is to increase the download speed.
Downloading a file by this intelligent file segmentation speeds up your download upto 5 times!

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Internet Download Manager 6.18 is a must have tool for your PC and all those features that makes it far better downloader than its competitors.
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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Osmia Organics Facial Restoration Serum Review

Press Sample

Osmia Organics describes their Facial Restoration Serum as,

A gorgeous blend of restorative oils, this serum was formulated for mature skin, damaged skin (retin-A users have rejoiced over its healing capabilities), or chronically dry skin. Base oils of safflower, jojoba, and kukui provide the rich, velvety texture, while powerhouses like pomegranate, amaranth, borage, and

Dehydrated or Dry Skin? Reviva Labs Dynamic Duo: Hyaluronic Acid Serum & InterCell Night Gel with Hyaluronic Acid to the Rescue: Review

Press Samples

Reviva Labs continues to amaze me with their extraordinarily high quality skincare products at very affordable prices. Their products have earned pride of place in my skincare stash, and remain part of my core highly loved skincare regimen. Recently I was thinking about products that are perfect during seasonal extremes in temperature, and I had an "Aha moment"- why not test

A Little Word in Self Confidence

I am not the poster child for self confidence. It's something that I have struggled with since youth and something that led an eating disorder for a portion of high school and university. Thankfully I was able to turn my life around and start taking care of myself but self confidence is still something that I struggle with and constantly work to improve. 
For years, I spent way too much time trying to compare myself to others (heck, I still do this at times). I would spend my time wishing things were different or that I could change this or that about myself. I had this mental image that 'if only' this were different, then I would be happy with me. It didn't help that for a few years in university, my side job was dressing twig shaped models backstage for runway shows. When they would leave to go on stage all the dressers would go into a frenzy with 'Did you see her...' 'She has amazing...' 'I wish I had...' 
But recently my friend Dorette (aka the oh so talented and lovely photographer who took these pics for me) said something to me that really resonated. 'How can we compare ourselves to others when we were all built completely differently?' Ground breaking news, I know. But the more she discussed it, the more it sunk in. We come in all different shapes and sizes, with a whole slew of personality traits. 

Take my sister and I for example. She's 5'2", dark hair, olive skin, with the best J.Lo booty you've ever seen. She's quiet and reserved, a Betty Crocker in the kitchen, and a natural born mom. I'm 5'8", blonde hair, pale complexion, with literally a flat as a board behind. I'm loud (sometimes a little too loud) and outgoing, I work hard to make an edible meal and holding babies can make me genuinely nervous (anyone else scared that a freak accident is going to happen while you're holding someone else's baby?)
So how can I compare myself to her? No matter how much I try, no matter how many lunges I do, I will never have a behind like hers (believe me I've tried). And she can stretch every day for a year but never grow an inch. So why waste our time wishing and hoping for things that we simply cannot change about ourselves? Why not redirect that effort into bettering who we are, changing what we can, and appreciating what we love about ourselves?
I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time, I'm content with the way I look. That doesn't mean my ego is through the roof and it doesn't mean that I'm thrilled with every aspect of my body. It just means that I've accepted the fact that I, along with everyone else, have certain flaws and that's ok. It also means that I've realized that along with flaws, we all have beautiful features that we should be proud of and confident in. We spend so much time focused on what we don't like about ourselves and too little time embracing the wonderful and beautiful features that we all have. 
I could go on and on about this topic but I'll end with saying that today I'm teaming up with Katie for a photo shoot link up today. I was so excited when she reached out to me about this idea of doing a photo shoot of ourselves to celebrate the beauty in us all. I encourage you to do the same and show off your beautiful self! If you decide to participate, go over to Katie's blog and put the link in the comments!
Extra Reads:
Travel Babbles also has a great post on a similar subject that you should check out. 
Milk + Crown has a wonderful series where women share what they love about themselves. You can see my feature here.

So tell me, what does confidence mean to you? Or what makes you feel most beautiful? 

'The Walking Dead' Season 5 Spoilers: Characters to Change in 'Extremely Dramatic Ways'

It's that time. More on the upcoming fourth season of "The Walking Dead." Diehard fans have remained diligent, cherishing any little detail they can extract from cast photos, tweets, behind-the-scene videos and interviews with the head honchos. Executive Producer Robert Kirkman has been overly generous in the past couple months approaching the new season and in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he answers even more of fans burning questions.
There are many changes on the horizon for season 4. Scott Gimple is the third showrunner in four season to take the reins and he claims he will take a more character-focused approach to telling the story established in Kirkman's comics. Kirman says that with Gimple's approach, the show will focus more on characters but won't fail to include the scare-you-to-death moments that make the show what it is. 
"Coming into season four, we're definitely going to know a lot more about these people so it will be that much more gut-wrenching and worse when we lose these characters," Kirkman said during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "Season four probably has the most number of scenes that are adapted directly from the comic series or very close to what we did. A good deal of that is from Scott and the way he views that material and puts forth that extra effort to work it into the show in a way that it all works."
Kirkman added that season four will pick up with four central characters that fans have grown to know and love, but that throughout the season they will change and grow in extremely dramatic ways due to growing strains the world puts upon them. And how will they respond in the wake of Andrea and Merle's death?
"A lot of those deaths and those actions from season three have direct results on where we pick up things up in season four," he said. "We'll see there was a plan involved and these things do lead to other things, which in turn, makes them worthwhile."
"The Walking Dead" will return to AMC October 13..

Max Payne 3 Free download full version with complete download links

Max Payne 3:
Max Payne 3 is specially made for those PC game lovers who wants to kill the terrorists with complete authority. So Max Payne 3 is specially made for you if you are one of those PC game lovers.

Developer and Publisher:
This Max Payne 3, is developed by Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games.
Max Payne 3 is basically an anti-terrorist game in which terrorists have much more arms and guns and they are much more equipped with latest bombs and arms. Whereas in Max Payne 3, the anti-terrorist force which will be working under you, has less arms, guns and equipments but you have to fight with passion and with an objective to curb these evil forces and to make this world a place of peace.

Screenshots of Max Payne 3:
Although you already have now a clear idea and image about Max Payne 3, but still for your interest we are uploading few screenshots of Max Payne 3. I hope it will increase your thirst to play this game.

Screenshot # 1: 
Screenshot # 2:

Screenshot # 3:

Screenshot # 4:

From these above screenshots, you can clearly get an idea that Max Payne 3 is a complete action packed which will not allow you to remain idle while playing this game.
Max Payne 3 has one amazing quality that you will yourself completely involve in it just as you are their on streets fighting against those gangsters and terrorists.

How to Download:
As you know, we always try to provide you with best download links that work perfectly in all systems and browsers. So today, we are providing you 3 sets of download links and each set has17 parts each. This game Max Payne 3 is broken into 17 parts in order to be downloaded quickly and easily.
Copy each download link and paste into your browser. Download each part separately. Once you have successfully downloaded all 17 parts, than use any program joiner to join all parts together.
I will recommend you to use Internet Download Manager IDM to download with fast speed.

Download Links:




I hope you will like our efforts and will enjoy playing Max Payne 3.
Your suggestions will always be appreciated.
Don't forget to bookmark our site and keep visiting for more games.

Sony Xperia Z Ultra Deals On 3

  Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Waterproof 1080p phablet
6.4 inch Full HD X-Reality Display
Triluminos touch-screen
Super-thin and lightweight
Water-proof and dust-resistant
8 mega-pixel camera
Android Jelly Bean
Ultrafast 3G & 4G LTE

Sony Xperia Z Ultra Specs

Dimensions 179 x 92 x 6.5 mm
Weight: 212 g
Dust-proof and water-resistant : (IP55 / IP58)
Screen size6.4 inch
Screen Resolution: 1920 * 1080 pixels
Screen Type: Triluminos with X-Reality Display
Pixels Per Inch (PPI) : 344 PPI
Processor: 2.2 GHz Qualcomm MSM8974 Quad Core
Battery capacity : 3000mAh
Onboard Memory: 16GB (microSD support)
Camera :  8 mega-pixel Exmor RS & 2 mega-pixel (front-facing)
Operating system: Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
Ultrafast / 3G / 4G LTE : Yes / Yes/ Yes
Bluetooth / NFC : Yes -/ Yes
Colours : Black, White & Purple
Launch Date: September 2013
Price : £600 (TBC)

Sony Xperia Z Ultra On 3

The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is Sony's first phablet and it's a truly high-end device with a mammoth 6.4 inch touch-screen. It runs at a resolution of 1920*1080 pixels, or full HD, and can be controlled using a stylus or even a standard pencil - thanks to TRILUMINOS technology.

It's also the first water-proof and dust-proof tablet thanks to the IP55 and IP58 certification - following in the footsteps of the Sony Xperia Z. While, the display is shatter-proof and scratch-resistant.

When it comes to power the phablet really delivers thanks to it's quad-core 2.2 GHz Snapdragon processor and 2GB of RAM. You'll need a large battery to power such a beastly device and Sony have included a 3000 mAH battery inside the Xperia Z Ultra - delivering up to 790 hrs standby time.
Sony's Xperia Z Ultra has an 8 mega-pixel camera with Sony's EXMOR RS technology and a front-facing 2 mega-pixel snapper for video calling. It comes pre-loaded with Android Jelly Bean and can connect with Sony's Bluetooth Handset - enabling you to call and text without having to hold the phablet itself.

Three have already confirmed they'll stock the Xperia Z Ultra and the good news is its both Ultrafast and 4G compatable. Meaning you'll be able to enjoy unlimited Ultrafast data and upgrade to 4G for free later this year.

Sony Xperia Z Ultra Release Date & Price

The Sony Xperia Z Ultra was officially unveiled at the end of June and the phablet will launch in the 3rd quarter of 2013. The exact date is thought to be September 13th and we'll update this page as soon as we get official confirmation.

Sony's phablet is a high-end device and is expected to cost around £600 SIM-free in the UK. You should be able to pickup the Sony Xperia Z Ultra on contracts starting at around £35 a month on 3, which should get unlimited Ultrafast data.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The download links above redirect you to download pages on


7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Check license information here: 7-Zip license.
You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip.

The main features of 7-Zip

  • High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
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    • Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
    • Unpacking only: ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR and Z.
  • For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
  • Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
  • Self-extracting capability for 7z format
  • Integration with Windows Shell
  • Powerful File Manager
  • Powerful command line version
  • Plugin for FAR Manager
  • Localizations for 79 languages
                                      DOWNLOAD NOW!!!!

7-Zip works in Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003 / 2000 / NT / ME / 98. There is a port of the command line version to Linux/Unix.
On 7-Zip's Source Forge Page you can find a forum, bug reports, and feature request systems.

Compression ratio

We compared 7-Zip with some of the leading archivers.
FILE SETS: Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 for Windows and Google Earth 3.0.0616 for Windows after full installation.
Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests. Usually, 7-Zip compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format. And 7-Zip compresses to zip format 2-10% better than most of other zip compatible programs.

B. Kamins C-Resveratrol Serum Kx Review

Press Sample/Affiliate Link

B. Kamins is an outstanding company that consistently makes extraordinarily high quality luxury skincare. I have tried many of their products, and have many of them in my current daily product rotation. I love face serums, and am actually rather obsessed with them, thus I was naturally quite interested in their C-Resveratrol Serum Kx. It has not only lived up to