
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Morrow, Georgia's Classical Niches with Urns

The Morrow First United Methodist Church (1967) is the best building on this stretch of Jonesboro Road, a rather pleasant, practical, sparse, green, burger, nail-care, big box road along the tracks.

Its portico has two fine niches with urns. I'm at a loss about why these are so appealing to me but there you go.

Morrow has Spivey Hall and Clayton State University but you can't see them from the road and they aren't designed for show.

Morrow has two important if unexpected side by side moderns: The National Archives at Atlanta and The Georgia Archives.Both are warehouses fronted by impressive facades activated with modern facade pizazz. They catch my eye but don't make me care.

Wren-Gibbs style churches are everywhere. But there's SOMETHING about First Methodist. I couldn't figure it out when I was driving 45. So I stopped for a minute last Saturday.

William R. Tapp Jr. Architect Associates used some fine if modest detailing in 1967. Mr. Tapp, 1922-2011 was a Georgia Tech alum who designed a lot of buildings around here though this is my first encounter. His name is carved into a niche plaque.

The design "money" is in the portico...

...and in the niches. Isn't it amazing how the urn's shadows and reflections color and shade the niche.

Perhaps I'll do Morrow First Baptist another day. It's on Lake Harbin.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Space NK Sale haul!

I was very naughty last week and placed a sneaky little order in the Space NK sale� it wasn�t my fault!!  Thought I�d show you what I purchased because I�m super happy with them!


Laura Mercier Creme Brulee Candle � There�s nothing I love more than 1) candles and 2) sweet food, so when I spotted this it went straight into my basket.  I�ve never actually tried any Laura Mercier products before so this was a treat.  Apparently this was a limited edition product in their Creme Brulee range and comes in a massive tumbler with a snakeskin print on the side.  I haven�t burnt this yet but on first impressions it smells like a warm, sweet vanilla caramel; delicious!  �14.50 down from �29.

Diptiqye Amber Oud Candle � I adore spicy, woody scents and just reading �Amber Oud� I knew that I would adore it.  This miniture candle was from their Christmas collection (I much prefer winter candles to summer ones). It�s quite risky purchasing a candle without smelling it beforehand but this has not disappointed.  I picked this up for �12.50 down from �25.

Diptyque Eau Duelle 100ml � This has quickly become my favourite perfume EVER after buying it in May and I�ve already nearly used up half of my 50ml bottle, so when I spotted a 100ml bottle of this in the sale I SQUEALED!  A bottle of this is normally �70 but I got it for �34.  Bargain.  Super happy with this purchase.

There we have it!  You can tell I�m going through a bit of a romantic period at the moment� after work I come home, change into my pjs, light candles, make a tea and snuggle to read books or blogs in bed.  I love this little routine I�ve got going on and these treats will make this relaxation time even better!

Did you pick anything up from the Space NK sale? 


Thursday, July 4, 2013

ACA Gobbles Up Self-Insurance Marketplace One Bite at a Time

This week�s announcement that the ACA�s employer-mandate provision has been postponed has understandably gotten a lot of attention.  It�s a big deal for sure, but while federal regulators punted on this high profile provision, they demonstrated no such caution with the release of two sets of final rules over the past week that will have the likely effect of eroding the self-insurance marketplace.

So while everyone is talking about the employer-mandate development, it�s important to interject some exclusive reporting and commentary regarding separate finalized ACA rules related to contraceptive coverage and student health plans to demonstrate how self-insurance options are being quietly restricted in certain market segments.

The rule-making process for contraceptive coverage has certainly attracted much attention over the past two years, but this blog is agnostic regarding the ongoing religious liberty debate that dominates the headlines.   We have, however, been very interested in how the final rules will affect self-insured religious organizations, of which there are many.

As some may recall, when the controversy originally erupted over the prospect of religious organizations being forced to provide coverage for contraceptive coverage, Obama�s political operatives quickly hatched a plan: insurance companies would be required to include this coverage at no cost to the religious organizations.

Notwithstanding the fact that this accommodation failed to satisfy religious liberty objections, the White House overlooked the fact that a large percentage of religious organizations operate self-insured group health plans, so the suggested insurance company fix would not apply to these plans.

Faced with this realization, regulators have floated various proposals during the rule-making process on how self-insured religious organizations can comply with the law.  Most of these proposals have been variations on the theme of forcing third party administrators to take responsibility for coordinating such coverage. 

For good measure, regulators offered a closing comment in the proposed rules essentially saying that such organizations can always convert to fully-insured arrangements if self-insurance is no longer viable.  You have to appreciate such bureaucratic thoughtfulness.

Based on the final rules released last week, it appears that the viability of self-insured plans will be significantly compromised.  At issue is that regulators are forcing TPAs to serve as plan fiduciaries solely for the purpose of arranging separate contraceptive coverage for plan participants.

Industry stakeholders have raised numerous concerns that such an approach is legally questionable and would expose TPAs to a variety of legal liability scenarios.  But the regulators flatly rejected these comments, asserting that �the Department of Labor�s view that is has the legal authority to require the third party administrator to become the plan administrator under ERISA section 3(16) for the sole purpose of providing payments for contraceptive services if the third party administrator agrees to enter into or remain in a contractual relationship with the eligible organization to provide administrative services for the plan.�  

Already acutely sensitive to potential fiduciary designations outside of the ACA context, it�s a reasonable conclusion that at least some TPAs will consider the new rules to be a tipping point, forcing them to part ways with their religious organization clients, which in turn will make it more difficult for such organizations to maintain their self-insured plans.

In separate news, CMS published the final rule last week clarifying exemptions to the individual mandate requirement in as provided for in the ACA.  As part of this, the rule also contained the final language on which "non-insurance� programs will be considered minimum essential coverage (MEC) for purposes of satisfying the mandate.

The earlier, proposed version of the rule had included self-funded student health plans in the list of allowable MECs.  Under the final version of the rule, however, self-funded student plans will only be considered MEC for plan years beginning before December 31, 2014.  After that date, such plans will have to apply to CMS to maintain the exemption.

Given the explicit goal of the Administration to steer as many young and healthy individuals into the exchanges as possible, this blog is highly skeptical that such exemptions will be forthcoming.  And of course, the real effect of this rule won�t be felt until after the 2014 elections. 

We�ll concede the fact that student health plans and religious organizations do not represent major segments of the overall self-insurance marketplace, but they are viable segments that are being quietly gobbled up by the bureaucracy.    So while everyone understandably is now talking about the employer-mandate delay, much of the real action continues to be in the details of the highly technical ACA implementation rules that cannot be easily distilled by the media nor understood by most health care reform observers.



Leete Hall 1922 at Carver High

I had no idea! I'd seen it at a distance but never up close until last Saturday. I was returning from Spivey Hall the long way, up Jonesboro Road through South Atlanta. A train blocked Hank Aaron at McDonough at University so I turned in.

This is the view you see in pictures, a Tudor tower on a little rise.

It's over the top in the very best way.

Carver High, George Washington Carver High School, is now the "The New Schools at Carver." But the main building we see today is Leete Hall (1922) designed by Alexander Hamilton and Henry White Jr.. In 1922 this was the campus of Clark University and Gammon College, now Gammon Theological Seminary I think. The colleges moved out of South Atlanta in 1941.

It's like a cathedral.

I was totally alone on the campus. It's not a huge place but I was overwhelmed.

I needed hours to spot the details.

Every corner deserved a closeup.

The backside is better than most front-sides.

Remarkable to see a cross on a school these days.

Now I know.

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Internet Download Manager 6.17 | Software IDM Update terbaru 2013

Internet Download Manager
Free Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.17 - Download Gratis IDM New Update terbaru 2013 Final Full Version - IDM Serial Number SN, Crack, Patch, Keygen, Product key - Kini Internet Download Manager telah hadir untuk diperbarui ke versi  6.17 yang dapat di unduh dan di coba secara gratis dengan batas limit 30 days trial period.

Pada versi Internet Download Manager 6.17 ini terdapat beberapa perbaikan, yang diantaranya:
- Added support for new types of video streaming sites
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Internet Download Manager (IDM) adalah Aplikasi Download Manager untuk mempercepat proses download hingga 5 kali lipat. Selain itu, aplikasi ini memungkinkan anda untuk dapat melakukan restart download yang terputus dan juga dapat di integrasikan ke dalam sejumlah besar browser, termasuk Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome dan Opera.

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Itulah update pada Internet Download Manager 6.17 yang merupakan versi terbaru di bulan April 2013 ini. Silahkan update idm versi lama Anda dengan IDM versi terbaru ini. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

Free Download Opera 15.00 Final Update Terbaru 2013 | Software Browser

Opera Browser
Free Download Opera 15.00 Final Full Verion New Update Terbaru 2013 Gratis. Opera adalah software web browser peramban web Internet antar-platform yang dibuat oleh Opera Software yang berada di Oslo, Norwegia.

Opera dapat dijalankan pada berbagai sistem operasi (OS), termasuk Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD dan Linux.

Setelah kemarin saya bagikan Opera versi sebelumnya Opera 12.14 Final Version , kini telah tersedia Perangkat lunak Peramban Web (Web Browser) Opera dengan versi terbarunya, yaitu Opera 15.00 Final, ini merupakan versi terbaru final.

Opera memiliki banyak fitur. Sebuah fitur lengkap Internet browser, Opera termasuk pop-up, tab browsing, pencarian terintegrasi, dan fungsi-fungsi lanjutan seperti Opera terobosan Program E-mail, RSS newsfeeds dan IRC chat. Dan karena kita tahu bahwa pengguna kami memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda, Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan dan isi dari browser Opera Anda dengan beberapa klik mouse.

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Opera 12.14 Final
Opera 12.14 Final

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Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

Flood insurance changes run into resistance

From AP:
Just a year after Congress imposed significant changes in the government's oft-criticized flood insurance program, howls of protest from homeowners facing higher premiums have coastal lawmakers pressing for delays that would preserve below-cost rates for hundreds of thousands of people in flood-risk areas.

 Here's the full story, in case you missed it. Curious to see if  your community is scheduled for a rate update? Enter your zip code here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What you need to know about boating and insurance

Summer is finally here! And it arrive before the Fourth of July - a rarity in the Northwest. Many of us like to go boating, especially with crab season now open. If you own a boat or rent a boat, you should consider boat insurance. Here's why:

Boating liability insurance in Washington state is not mandatory, but it's a good idea if you want to protect yourself and your passengers.  You can purchase boat insurance for a fairly reasonable price.  Coverage protects your boat from physical damage as well as your passengers if they're injured.  It also protects your boating equipment.

Check with the insurance company that covers your home and auto to see if it'll cover your boat, too. You could get a discount for having multiple policies with them.  If you're not sure what type of coverage you need, just ask your agent.  He or she can help make sure you're properly insured. Some small boats, like rowboats or dinghies may be covered under your homeowner policy - check your policy to be sure.

Here's more information about boating regulations in Washington state.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June Favourites Video & Post!

I went through my stash and pulled together 6 products which I�ve been using a lot obsessively over the past month!  I also filmed a video explaining just why I love these products, but had a bit of a wobbly half way through filming!  Have a watch if you fancy a giggle!


June Favourites!


Kiko Glow Touch Lip and Cheeks in Ginger Touch � This has become my go-to lip product for daily use.  It�s a stunning ginger pink/peach cream which is super pigmented yet mosisturizing at the same time, which can be used on both lips and cheeks.  It also smells delicious and is just the most perfect summer shade.  I adore it apart from that fact that it�s really difficult to open!

Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner in Flash � You all know how much I adore multipurpose products and this is one of my new recent favourites.  This pencil eyeliner is a super shimmery pink which works beautifully as a highlighter.  I�ve been using this on the inner corners of my eyes to open them up, above my cupids bow, underneath my brow bone and even on my cheeks as a highlighter.  I really recommend this � it�s cheap and stunning.

MAC Blusher in Melba � I�ve worn this blusher almost every single day in June and I adore it.  It�s a peachy pink blush which really warms up my complexion and makes me look healthy.  It also compliments the Kiko lip cream perfectly.

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri  Speed Dry Drops � For a beauty blogger � I am terrible at painting my nails.  They always smudge as soon as I do them (I�m quite impatient and fidgety).  I spotted this on Makeup Savvy�s blog and purchased it straight after, on eBay for around �4.  Simply pop a drop of this on each nail after painting and it halves the drying time. 

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer � After using up a sample tube of this, I decided that I needed to get my hands on a full size tub.  This stuff it gold dust to me, it leaves my hair incredibly soft and manageable compared to the matted mess that is usually my hair.  Full review of this coming soon!

Eysilix � The skin around my eyes have been sensitive throughout July because I have horrendous hayfever (need to stop rubbing them!).  I�ve been using Eysilix morning and evening around my eye area which soothes it somewhat, but also makes me feel happy that I�m doing my bit to stop fine lines/dark circles etc!

Favourite songs:

I�ve had two bands that I�ve been loving in July.  The first is Aluna George.  A boy made me a mixtape (I�m one for good old fashioned romance) with one of their tunes on and I feel in love with it and am now obsessed with all their songs.  I urge you to listen to them, I have a feeling they�ll get big!
Second is Rudimental� sounds like proper chavvy music but I really like it.  The songs are tuneful and instantly catchy.

What have been your favourite products in July?  Recommend me some new music?


Our Insurance 5000 Bldg is closed today due to a malfunctioning cooling system

Effective immediately, our Insurance 5000 Bldg. in Tumwater is closed today due to a malfunctioning cooling system. All online services are still available and our other offices in Seattle, Olympia and Spokane are open. We expect the building to be back open tomorrow.

Interview: Terry Kearns, Architecture Tourist by wanderlust ATLANTA

Travis Taylor is a dynamo who blogs Atlanta. I think he's trying to visit every interesting place and do every interesting thing around here. He hasn't done it all yet but he's way ahead of us. I'm in awe. Interview here.

I'd say wanderlust ATLANTA is THE online travelogue for Atlanta except "travelogue" isn't quite enough. Wanderlust is both a guide and an homage to great places right under out nose.

Here's Travis, blogger at wanderlust ATLANTA in the back yard of the Atlanta Preservation Center.

I met Travis online via his blog. We finally met in person at the First Church of Christ Scientist on March 8, 2011 for the Phoenix Flies tour. We've crossed path many times since online (I read every post) and in person when I'm lucky.

Here's the Interview: Terry Kearns, Architecture Tourist. We had a great time walking Charles Allen taking pictures for the interview.

Here are the questions:
  1. Why Architecture Tourist? How did you get started and what keeps you blogging?
  2. What�s your favorite aspect of the architecture discipline and why?
  3. If you could create a city block of existing Atlanta buildings, what would that block include?
  4. As a preservationist, what call-to-action do you feel is most important in saving Atlanta�s architectural history?
  5. You created a �Stained Glass Bucket List� for the 10th Anniversary of the Atlanta Preservation Center�s �Phoenix Flies� tours. Details?

Thanks Travis, see you around and at wanderlust ATLANTA.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Anti-aging products � Initial Thoughts!

QVC recently got in touch and asked whether I wanted to test out some of the products from a category in their Customer Beauty Awards and I said yes!  I chose the anti-aging category because now more than ever, I am very into skincare and treating it properly whilst I�m young, to help it age more healthily and gracefully.

I thought I�d give you my initial thoughts on the four products before the live show on QVC tomorrow night where they will be announcing the winner!


Sarah Chapman Overnight Facial � This looks and feels super expensive, with a swanky bottle and pump.  I thought this would be a cream but in actual fact it�s a very pungent oil (it almost smells like men�s musk perfume) to me.  It�s packed with vitamins, omega oils, peptides and more to leave your skin refreshed and radiant.  Despite being an oil, it sinks in nicely leaving no residue.

Alpha H Liquid Gold � This was obviously the product I was most looking forward to trying as it is a firm favourite of a lot of bloggers.  I have been using this on alternate evenings before bed and when I awake my skin looks plump and firm.  My skin is also ridiculously soft after using this, making makeup glide on smoothly!

Decleor Aromessence Iris Rejuvenating Serum - This is the another oil based serum which smells highly of essential oils.  I really like that it�s 100% natural and free from mineral oils and preservatives but it is pricey!  I�ve also heard that essential oils aren�t great for acne-prone skin which mine is, so I might just stick to using this on my neck and d�colletage.

Perricone MD Concentrated Restorative Treatment � This night cream is packed with high levels of Vitamin C which helps promote radiant skin and helps to minimise discolouration (which I do have a slight problem with).  It apparently also helps lessen the appearance of wrinkles.  I�m going to pass this on to Mummy Snooks to try out as I know she loves using thick night creams.

My prediction: I think Alpha H should win here � it�s the most affordable of the bunch and the one with the most obvious and immediate results, however I know the others have a large following too so it�s a tough one!

As I said earlier, the winner will be announced on QVC tomorrow evening at 7pm but I�m planning to give these all a full test (with Mummy Snooks!) and possibly review my favs in greater detail after a few months of testing.

Do you use any anti-aging products?  What�s your favourite?
