
Friday, November 7, 2014

A rebellion in the Stock Market?

It has never happened before. But the frustration and anger must be so
high and waiting to explode that a petition has been posted asking for
the resignation of Magnus Bocker. The usually quite, docile and hapless
remisiers and retail investors must be really pushed to a corner.

This is the introductory paragraphs of the petition:

Petition to remove Magnus Bocker as the CEO of SGX due to

Dalit aspiration, to ride a bicycle

The new aspiration for Singaporeans are changing, and the latest is to
aspire to own a bicycle, an expensive one of course. Cars are out of
reach to many and will only get worst. So reconditioning the Singaporean
Dalits in the making to think cheap, think low, have low aspiration, is
a good start. Tell them to cycle to work or to go any where, go dating,
go for dinner, just cycle.


Sin City is a low crime city

When overcharging or over billing is no crime. When cheating customers
buying iPhones with phony insurance scheme is no crime. When beating up
motorists by cyclists is no crime, it is only natural that crime rates
will be low. It is utterly disgusting to see rogue shop owners in Sim
Lim Square, like those reported in the media, cheating their customers
in broad daylight, and the authority

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stock Exchange down, hit by power outage

I thought it was the stock exchange of some 3rd World country. This is
rare to happen in Singapore. Another one in 50 years incident. MAS is
not looking too please and is following up closely with the SGX. The
latter is investigating into the cause of this technical glitch that
froze trading for 3 hours.

Trading was resumed after normal trading hours, from 5.15pm to 5.45pm
for stocks

Singapore property prices set to rise again

There is a new trend in property usage and this will create a storm in
the property market. Luxury hotels will sprout everywhere to cater to
the super rich, and the demand is rising. Bluebell and Boxer were
checked into the best hotel available in town, into the Royal Suite that
provides all the finest things in life that money can buy. Spa,
manicure, scented room, room service for anything

Singapore International Commercial Court(SICC)

Parliament approved the concept of setting up an international court to
arbitrate international legal disputes here. As rightly pointed out by
Shanmugam, international disputes are now handled in London and New York
and there is a void that Singapore can fill. A Singapore International
Court is our contribution to the international legal system, to provide a
neutral judicial court for

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

An open plea to the Prime Minister � The fate of Singaporeans

This is a very sad letter from a citizen to the Prime Minister on how
local talents are rapidly being replaced by foreigners under the open
leg wide wide policy. Foreigners are brought in with very high pay and
Singaporeans are sacked and have to go to 3rd world countries to earn
lower pay while leaving their family members behind. And more 3rd world
talents are brought in to fill the gaps.

PAP Dream Team for Aljunied GRC � Redbean�s Choice

The PAP fielded a very strong team in the last GE in Aljunied. Led by
the highly intelligent Foreign Minister George Yeo, the other members
included Minister Lim Hwee Hua, Parliamentary Secretary Zainul Abidin,
MP Cynthia Phua and newbie Ong Ye Kong who was no light weight, touted
to be of ministerial material. This was a very strong team but lost. If
this is an indication of the strength

SGX to mandate sustainability report

A long and beautiful article on the great things the SGX will be doing
to make it the best bourse in the world by Jessica Cheam, like all the
great things it introduced to increase market volume, participation and
trading activities came out last week. I read and read and it sounded so
beautiful that I knew it was on the right track. So I knew I don�t have
to waste time reading further. The

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jokowi forgives satay vendor that defamed him

Below is reported in the Jakarta Post and copied from TRS. It shows how
big this man is and how his act of magnanimity would raise him above
ordinary people with small hearts. He would gain more and win the hearts
of more people by a simple and generous act like this.

�President Joko �Jokowi� Widodo has forgiven Muhammad Arsyad, a satay
vendor who was detained by the police for allegedly

Malayan Railway land swap � A win win solution

When the Point of Agreement(POA) was signed, despite no agreement on the
land development charges, it was touted as a win win agreement for both
Malaysia and Singapore. Yesterday, when the issue of development
charges was settled by an International Arbitration Court, despite the
ruling in favour of Malaysia for not having to pay the development
charges, it was again touted as another win

Aljunied GRC � Who will be sacrificed?

Aljunied is going to be the most feared GRC in the next GE. Who would
PAP send to do battle against the WP? Whoever they are going to send
would be most revealing of what is in the PAP�s mind. For instance, if
they think it is a goner, they may send in a kucing kurap team of
newbies and those that can be sacrificed like what the opposition
commando squad sent to Teck Ghee with little

Monday, November 3, 2014

Singapore joining coalition against Islamic State

Just reported in Parliament, �To combat the militant group, Singapore
will contribute assets that were previously deployed in Iraq and
Afghanistan, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen says. CNA.

The unavoidable happens. There is no way Singapore can avoid joining the
coalition once it is in bed with the Americans. The Americans would
make sure that it will happen or Singapore would be accused of

GE � Freak or no freak?

Tham Yuen C picked up the discussion on the freak election revisited by
Ho Kwon Ping in his article in the Sunday Times yesterday. Many people
thought Ho Kwon Ping was being polite and saying the right thing. Tham
Yuen C spoke to several academics to feel the pulse once again. Tan Ern
Ser, Viswa Sadasivan, Pauline Straughan and Bilveer Singh were all
consulted on their views on this freak

Democracy 2014 � Hong Kong Chapter.

By MIKOspace

What Hong
Kong Protests Taught Hong Kong, China and The World.

is Not Easy.
It is
learnt only through failures and errors. The Lessons are perpetual with endless
emergence of newer Lessons.

nearly 5 weeks of �pro�-Democracy sit-downs, disruptions and infringements of
the natural �democratic� rights of other Hong Kongers, the protesting crowd

Sunday, November 2, 2014