
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gunung Tambuyukon (Mount Tambuyukon)

At 2,579 or about 8,462 feet from sea level stands Gunung Tambuyukon (Mount Tambuyukon), the third highest peak in Malaysia. However, very few mountain-climbing enthusiasts know this place even exists. I guess it hasn’t been promoted as much as say Gunung Kinabalu or Gunung Tahan. Also, this site has only been opened to the public since 1990. Guides around these parts say that in those years,

Mountain Climbing in Malaysia...

There's no shortage of challenging mountains to climb. Traverse your way up the mountains, through virgin rainforests and discover the denizens on the wild. Oh yes, the prize must have to be Gunung Kinabalu (Mount Kinabalu), the highest peak in Southeast Asia. Others, like the ones listed below, are also challenging and have their own stories to tell.Mountain Climbing:SabahGunung Kinabalu (4,093m

Exhilarating white water rafting experience in Malaysia

Malaysia has many fast flowing rivers, perfect for a white water rafting adventure. Visitors from near and far enjoy rushing down the rivers while immersing themselves in the beauty of Malaysia's virgin forests. For this type of activity, I tell you, the places I list below are the best places to do it.White Water Rafting:JohorSugnai EndauPahangJeram BesuSungai LipisSungai TelomSungai

Exploring Caves in Malaysia...

Malaysia has some of the largest and most fascinating caves in the world. Some caves in the Mulu National Park are as large as several stadiums. And in these dark places, there's life and beautiful limestone formations dating back many million years. Here's a list of perfect places where you can explore the many fascinating caves in Malaysia.Exploring Caves:SarawakGua Penyu (Mulu National Park)

Best Scuba Diving and Snorkeling Locations in Malaysia

Malaysian waters has been the object of fascination by many scuba divers and underwater explorers around the world. There are many excellent dive sites around the country, some are among the best in the world, and new sites are being discovered every year. Marine life here in Malaysia is very divers, with the underwater ecological system having evolved millions of years. Scuba divers here have

The Best Jungle Trekking and Camping Sites in Malaysia

There's a certain kind of calmness when you are surrounded with rainforests some 260 million years old. Most of the places I list have no cellular phone coverage, or air conditioning. That just strays from the whole point anyway. What you'll surely have is a lot of fun and respect for the wilderness. The best jungle trekking sites in Malaysia are listed below. Many of which I went during numerous

Bird Watching Destinations in Malaysia

First, you hear them from afar. Soon, sounds of their wings flapping and cries grow louder. The birds, sometimes, make a show for you, flying low, and in large numbers. It is always a spectacular sight to see the birds fly past by the hundreds. Enthusiasts, gather at the following locations to do just that...Bird Watching:SarawakGunung HoseBako National ParkMulu National ParkSabahKota Belud Bird

Shopping in Singapore

I think shopping is Singaporean’s favorite pastime. It could be in Singapore, or even when they come to Malaysia. Since they like shopping so much, Singapore has great shopping centers everywhere in the island. The great thing about shopping in Singapore is that there are a wide variety of choices under one roof. Shops in Malaysia have the advantage when it comes to lower prices. But there are

The Singapore National Orchid Garden

Since 1859, orchids have been closely associated with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The products of the Gardens' orchid breeding program, which began in 1928, deserve a place where they can be displayed in their full splendour. The very design of these orchids is, one could say, 'hand crafted by the Gardens' horticultural staff, dedicated to bringing out the finest in any hybrid cross.Over 700

In Touch with Nature in Singapore

While most parts of Singapore have been developed extensively, there are some parts that have been conserved and nurtured as nature reserves. Also, the government has taken great care and maintenance for these places.SUNGEI BULOH NATURE PARKThis place is Singapore’s first wetland nature reserve. And even though it is very well known in Singapore, I stumbled upon it by chance after taking the