
Thursday, October 16, 2014

MP versus CCC Chairman � Who is bigger?

In the AHPETC vs NEA case in court, it seems that an MP holding a mini
fair or event must get the approval of the Chairman of the CCC. I quote
from an article in TRE,

�AHPETC: Holding �mini-fair� or �event� does not require permit

AHPETC, whose chairman is Aljunied GRC MP Sylvia Lim, is disputing NEA�s
argument. Its lawyer Peter Low pointed out that it was a �mini-fair� or
an �event�, and

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SGX Ranking Number 1

If I were to conduct a survey on the SGX ranking among the international
bourses like the way our universities were ranked internationally, I
would rank SGX as Number 1 also, the best of the best. And I can say
that with very good justifications.

1. SGX is managed by the best foreign talents money can buy.

2. SGX has acquired one of the most expensive and sophisticated
computers to ensure

Hong Lim Affair � Got illegal assembly or not?

This has been quoted in TRE by a commentator using the nick VTO VTO.


Identification card to be produced

6.�(1) The Commissioner or any authorised officer or park ranger, when
exercising any of the powers conferred upon him by this Act shall, if
not in uniform, declare his office and, on demand, produce such
identification card as may be issued to him

SAF Volunteer Corps � SAFVC

The SAFVC was inaugurated yesterday to allow volunteers from new
citizens, first generation PRs and women to serve in the SAF. The
concept is right. The more people serving the SAF the more hands we have
to use. It also provides an option for those eager beavers who want to
serve but complaining that they are not given a chance. It also puts to
test those hypocrites who have been crying out

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When Hong Kong turns political

The students continue to protest for more democracy. They are back in
the streets with their tents. They are demanding for the stepping down
of the Chief Executive Leong Chunying. The residents of Hong Kong have
historically placed economic freedom and well being as top priority.
Political freedom has never been an issue. They never have much
political freedom or much say about how Hong

No permit required for assembly and procession at Hong Lim

Below is copied from an article appearing in TOC discussing about the
need for a permit to hold an assembly or a procession at Hong Lim Park.
According to the Public Order Act(POA), no permit is required. Please read

�The Public Order Act (POA), which was introduced in 2009, regulates
public assemblies and processions and gives new powers to the
authorities to preserve public order.

ReVisiting Singapore�s 1962 Battle for Merger:

�A Longer Victory would have been
Very Bad for my Future�

By MIKOspace

1962 Battle for Merger was also The Battle for my Future.

young boy heard on the radio a man�s voice urging Singaporeans to join Malaya �or else, we will not survive� or words
to that effect. His �language of
survival� in a calm, authoritative voice exuding the confidence of
leadership was sufficient

Monday, October 13, 2014

The silence of the sheep

The barrage of attacks against Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui for heckling
Special Needs Children is followed by a police investigation for
unlawful assembly at Hong Lim Park. Several protesters had been called
up by the Police to assist in the investigation. Han Hui Hui had been
called up too and so was Roy, but he was overseas.

Social media is on fire with what they see as victimisation

Two controversial books/films eyeing for attention

The main media is showering praises to the book �Battle for Merger�
daily and everywhere. Another book or film, �To Singapore With Love�, on
the same period of our history has been banned for factual errors. One
can safely conclude that the first book, more like a compulsory reading
for all Singaporeans and locals, is free from factual errors. And it
will be turned into a film too. It may

Sunday, October 12, 2014