
Monday, August 12, 2013

5 Japanese Fashion Trends You Wouldn't Expect-The Nectar Collective

We're baaaack! Unfortunately. Why does it always seem like vacation is just one day too short? I can't complain though, we had an amazing time exploring Cambodia and getting some much needed R&R, a rarity for us. So while I recoup...and catch up on the laundry and cleaning...I have a good blogging friend of mine, Melyssa filling in for me. Have you met Melyssa yet? If not I strongly advice you go check out her page (as soon as you read her post below of course). This girl is like a ball of sunshine and is quickly spreading joy through the inter-webs through her posts about positivity and DIY projects that can't help but put a smile on your face. She also has a pretty awesome link up and is my partner in crime for the Snail Mail Collective (which the pairings are now closed but you can always sign up next month!). But enough of what I think, let's get on with the main even! Below Melyssa shares some...unique fashion trends of Japan.

Hey everyone! My name is Melyssa and I blog over at The Nectar Collective. I'm a California girl currently living and growing in Tokyo, Japan with my dog, Monja. I blog about all sorts of things, but generally stick to travel and positivity. I'd love for you to join me! Now that I've lived in Japan for a couple years, I've caught onto a lot of the fashion trends and traditions that pervade this little country. I also think Japanese city-dwellers generally have impeccable style and sometimes I find myself in Harajuku observing how much more swag everyone has than me. However, there are some other fashion trends in Japan that you might not have expected or known about. Today, I'm sharing five of those lesser known Japanese styles so that if you ever come to Tokyo, you'll fit in like a native (I'm still working on that one).
1. Scrunchies
I'm pretty sure if I ever rocked a scrunchy in California, someone would utter the words, where'd you get that? The 90s?  Unfortunately in the States, scrunchies are still associated with Lisa Frank and teeny boppers (the Huffington Post even wrote an article when Hillary Clinton wore one), but in Japan, if your ponytail doesn't have a scrunchy, then you might as well just not wear clothes because girl, you're already naked. Scrunchies are everywhere and people typically buy big, fluffy ones to match their outfits. When one of my students graduated from my school last year, she even gave me a homemade scrunchy as a parting gift. I haven't really bought them yet, but trust me, the temptation for a big teeny bopper head is real, folks.
2. Skin color tights
In the States, I can't imagine one occasion where people would opt for nude, or skin color tights. But in Japan, oftentimes if people show their legs (with skirts, shorts, etc), they will wear nude tights. I'm not sure whether this is to make their legs look more even toned or because Japan is a pretty conservative society. Probably both. But sometimes when I wear skirts to work, I feel kind of skanky if I'm not at least wearing some beige tights. The struggle is real.
3. Heels
Women in Japan tend to be on the shorter side, maybe 5'2" or 5'3" in general. However, just like the rest of the world, being a little taller is usually favored. This means that pretty much every Japanese woman wears heels. All.of.them. I see people rockin' six-inch pumps on their way to work like it's no big deal. It's also nearly impossible to find pure flats (i.e. shoes without a small heel or wedge). And shoes are generally small. The biggest size you can find for women's shoes is about an 8.5 or a 9 in US sizes. I'm 5'9" and wear a size 10 so basically I'm a gigantor in Japan! This both means that I don't wear heels because I already tower over everyone and that I can't find shoes here because they're all too small. Shoes and I are still trying to mend our broken friendship. I'll let you know how it goes.
4. School uniforms
You know that stereotype about the "sexy schoolgirl"? It's kind of real. Every Japanese school, public or not, requires its students to wear a uniform to school. (Sidenote: these uniforms cost hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars). But Japanese kids take it a step further. I see them wear their school uniforms all.the.time. It's like their skin. Lots of schools, like the one I teach at, have kind of maternal uniforms with knee-length skirts and hi-cut blouses. But you'll still find plenty of schools with uniforms that look more suitable for a sorority party than a classroom. You'll also see school uniforms all over the place in general, since students and even adults often wear them on weekends or buy clothes that resemble uniforms because that sexy schoolgirl stereotype lives in Tokyo, too (don't believe me? Here's proof).
5. No tattoos
Yakuza had full-body tattoos like this. via
In California, I feel like everyone has a tattoo. Because of this, they're generally accepted, at least among our peers. But in Japan? Well, tattoos are still associated with the Yakuza, which is basically Japan's mafia. Because of that, no one really has tattoos and they are not looked at in a positive light. Some establishments, like onsens (public baths), might even turn you away if your skin is tattooed. Of course, there are still the rebels who do have tattoos (though usually small and easily hidden), but this is still pretty rare. Basically, that sunflower you always wanted to tattoo on your forehead may not fly in the land of the rising sun.

Thank you so much for having me, Chelsea!! If you want to learn more about my adventures in Japan or want to figure out how to infuse your life with positivity, then come say hello on my blog, The Nectar Collective! I'd love to meet you. :)

Now, tell me, what did you think about these Japanese fashion trends? Are there are trends in YOUR country that aren't popular in other parts of the world? Let's chat in the comments!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

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HYD For Men: Shave Cream, Buffer Stick & Razor Shield Review! 20% Off for Lola's Readers!

Press Sample
When I had the opportunity to receive the HYD For Men Shave Cream, Buffer Stick & Razor Shield for my husband to try out- I jumped at the chance. Not only does this mark the very first review not written by me, but it also marks his first blog post! Enjoy!

HYD For Men Shave Cream ($12.99 for 5.07 oz.) "allows your razor to glide effortlessly across your skin, resulting in a

Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup: August 11, 2013 Edition

Fun Fierce Fabulous Beauty Over 50!: Find out why Sephora's $16 Black Magic Palette is getting rave reviews!
Mama Fashionista: Quinn shares her latest and greatest favorites from Smashbox Cosmetics!
Lola's Secret Beauty Blog: The Organic Pharmacy Rose Plus Marine Collagen Complex is a potent and highly effective anti-aging product that REALLY beats the competition!
BeautyTidbits: A

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup: August 11, 2013 Edition

Beauty by Miss L: Miss L is loving Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub which is mechanical scrub, but doesn't feel harsh on your skin.
Mama Fashionista: Quinn shares a new way to use your facial exfoliating pads for beautiful, summer skin!
Lola's Secret Beauty Blog: Love a gorgeous ethereal glow? Then Burberry Fresh Glow is a brilliant choice, and it is back in stock!
TheFabZilla: Do

Back from Paradise

We're baaaack!!!! We arrived home early Saturday morning and were greeted with a cool 93 degree weather in our no air con made for a lovely ride home from the airport. Although, I must say, we didn't care much seeing as how we're still on vacation high from all the things we've seen this past week. It was also nice to be able to just unplug, relax, and spend time 'in the moment'.
Zhujiajiao region in Shanghai
Zhujiajiao region in Shanghai

I now know why people fall in love with Cambodia when they visit. It's such a vibrant culture, with fantastic food and even kinder people. We actually started scheming ways that we could move there. It's a habit of ours anytime we travel abroad. Some people call it fickle, we'd like to just think of ourselves as dreamers...and indecisive.

I can't wait to fill you all in on our adventures wandering the streets of Shanghai (which the photo is of. Since we had a 10 hour layover there we decided to go and explore a surrounding area), venturing through temple ruins in Angkor and our motorbike trip from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap (which I'm just now starting to get the feeling back in my bum from being on a bike for that long). So stay tuned these next couple weeks!

In other news....


And FINALLY, in case you missed it on Ms. Melyssa's blog, here are the August pairings for the Snail Mail Collective! By now, I hope that most of you have seen these and contacted your partner, but if not, go check up on the rules and contact your new blog friend! Remember, this month's theme is 'Under the Sea' get creative and have some fun with it!

Pikachu (Birthday) Makeup Tutorial!

A couple of week�s ago I went to a fancy dress party and the theme was �Favourite Childhood Characters�.  It really wasn�t a difficult decision at all for me who I adored growing up (apart from Count Duckula) it was of course Pikachu.  I have been obsessed with Pokemon since it hit my TV at the age of about 13, I have every episode of the original TV series on DVD and have completed both red, blue, yellow and diamond editions of the game on my multiple gameboys. 

Now, being as it�s my birthday today (I�m 25, so old!) I decided to upload my Pikachu tutorial in ode to my childhood.  If you are ever in need to look like a pokemon, look no further!



I really hope you enjoy this video.  Do subscribe to my YouTube channel (it�d make my day) and let me know what your favourite Pokemon was, maybe I�ll do their tutorial next!  For now, I�m back to birthday celebrations! 

Who was your favourite childhood character?


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Sixty Lions on the Ellis Hotel's Cornice - Really - I Counted Them

The Ellis Hotel was the Winecoff Hotel, scene of a tragic fire, December 7, 1946, in which 119 people died. Allen Goodwin's Winecoff Fire Remembrance Page is a moving, historical reminder. Another Atlanta tragedy, the Orly Crash in 1962, killed 130.

That needs to be said, but this is the Archtiecture Tourist and we are here to talk about sixty lions on the cornice.

The Winecoff opened in 1913. William Lee Stoddart designed it as well as the Georgian Terrace and the Ponce Apartments.

Can you see the lions from down here?

I'd never have noticed except that whitespace put together an exposition for Stanley Beaman & Sears studio on the top floor of  "Davisons" featuring art by Ann Stewart and Seana Reilly.

This was a 3-fer: Art, Architecture, Elevation so I went.

When I got out of the elevator on the 6th floor, the Ellis cornice was right in my face.

What do you think of the cornice detailing? And it has lions.

Lions-in-the-cornice has been a good look for a long time. See The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Limestone cornice with a lion�s head early 4th century B.C..

I had to count them.

The south cornice has three

The east cornice (facing Peachtree Street)  has 25.

The north cornice (facing Ellis Street) has 29

The west cornice has three.

But what's the story on Lion 45?

View Larger Map

Daily Blog #49: Sunday Funday 8/11/13

Hello Reader,
           It's that time again, Sunday Funday time! For those not familiar every Sunday I throw down the forensic gauntlet by asking a tough question. To the winner go the accolades of their peers and prizes hopefully worth the time they put into their answer. This week I am changing things up and letting the winner pick their choice of prizes!

The Prize:
The Rules:
  1. You must post your answer before Midnight PST (GMT -7)
  2. The most complete answer wins
  3. You are allowed to edit your answer after posting
  4. If two answers are too similar for one to win, the one with the earlier posting time wins
  5. Be specific and be thoughtful 
  6. Anonymous entries are allowed, please email them to
  7. In order for an anonymous winner to receive a prize they must give their name to me, but i will not release it in a blog post

The Challenge:
This week on the forensic lunch we have been talking about OSX and timemachine forensics. So let's have a OSX/Timemachine Challenge!

You have been given a timemachine drive that had multiple systems backing up to it over the network. After imaging it you need to determine what has been done, answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of backups you could find on a timemachine drive
2. How can you distinguish which hosts backup you are looking at
3. How would you extract a single backup for a specific date
4. What is the difference between a timemachine backup and a .mobilebackup

There, thats not too bad now is it? I look forward to your answers!

Dupe Alert: Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in Boy & Hourglass Femme Rouge Velvet Crème Lipstick in Edition!

When I reviewed Hourglass Femme Rouge Velvet Crème Lipstick in Edition, Sara made the comment that it reminded her of her favorite Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in Boy- which was precisely what I had thought when I swatched it.

I decided to find Boy and swatch them to see, and wouldn't you know it- they are nearly identical!

In fact, so much so that if you have one and are considering

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mata Thai | Affordable Thai Food

28th July 2013
Mata Thai is located near the CPF Building at Bishan. It is my third time visiting this neighbourhood Thai restaurant and I always find the food to be okay. Their strength seemed to lie in their main courses and for a Thai restaurant, I am convinced they can’t do Thai desserts.

It is my first time trying their Fish Head Curry which was recommended by my sister and brother-in-law and although I am not sure how Thai is this dish. That doesn’t matter because this is some good stuff. The curry was really good together with their white rice. My gripe with this dish however is the fish. The flesh was a bit chalky which could be a sign of frozen fish. Then again, maybe it is just the kind of fish they use. I am happy with the curry.

I wanted to order Phad Thai but in some confusion it ended up as Tang Hoon with Prawns (6.00 SGD). They are very generous with the prawns. The stir-fried glass noodles was decent too.

Desserts were a let-down. The Tapioca was tasteless and the Mango Sticky Rice just didn’t make the cut with its dried out glutinous rice and slices of sour mango. Overall, I think I would come back again for the main courses and skip the desserts. The prices are wallet-friendly here too. The total bill was about 10-15 per pax with drinks, rice, desserts and main courses included.

Mata Thai
#01-390, Blk 508 
Bishan Street 11